Scorch 1.10

Wczoraj ukazała się kolejna "pełna" wersja tworzonego przez Pirxa i Pecusia atarowskiego portu gry Scorch. Zmian jest bardzo dużo, ich pełna lista:

  • Defensive weapons can be activated before the round to make for the unbeatable aiming precision of the robotanks.
  • Fixed bug with Long Schlong activation taking one Schlong too many.
  • Smoke Tracer not disappearing smoke fixed.
  • Bug allowing for infinite shooting outside the screen fixed.
  • Tank colors and P/M sequence as devised by Adam, the gfx artist. Tanks differ more and look better.
  • New item in the shop - loot box "Buy me!" with a surprise inside.
  • Tank names can have s p a c e s now!
  • Tanks are mobile now thanks to the new defensive option - Hovercraft
  • Main atari library switched to a more standard version based on Mapping the Atari
  • Huge memory optimizations to allow for the new features.
  • Narrow screen in shop / inventory (many bytes saved).
  • Explosion range corrections for a rare event of non-lethal Nuke explosions.
  • Pressing [A] jumps into defensive weapons activation directly.
  • Elusive randomize force error causing rare hangups for Tosser fixed.
  • Activation of defensive weapons moved to front.
  • Additional SFX for new weapons.

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