Major Blink - nowy port gry na małe Atari

Niedawno (8 września) wyszedł nowy port gry z Commodore C16.

You can select a skill rating on the title page and this determines your entry position in a skill range of 1 to 16. The game gradually gets more difficult as you progress through the skill levels. The skill level increases by one for every screen completed and you gain an extra life for every four screens completed. High-Scores are kept for each of the five entry skill ratings - this is to counter somebody starting at the lowest skill level to gain extra lives. Major Blink moves along the lanes in the chosen direction but if you release the joystick it will continue moving to a crossroads before stopping. You can reverse his direction at any time while he is moving. Cool Bears randomly choose a lane to start from but will not regenerate while you're in the top 'green zone'. Pressing the Space Bar will pause or un-pause the game.

Po więcej info i download zapraszam na stronę projektu na atariage.

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