Atari++ v1.55 cvs snapshot

Najnowszy snapshot z CVSa emulatora Atari XL/XE - Atari++ v1.55 z krajowym (czyt. polskim) akcentem (!), jest gotowy do pobrania ze strony projektu.

Oto zmiany:

Fixed a couple of bugs in the disk emulation, thanks to Konrad Kokoszkiewicz for finding them. Specifically,

  • Read and write capacity (815 commands) did not check for all supported disk layout types and hard-disk partitions,
  • Speedy commands were recognized and inferred even if the speedy emulation was turned off,
  • Disk status wasn´t returned correctly for high-density drives.


  • Fixed a parsing/error handling bug if the initial configuration files were incorrect,
  • Fixed the implementation of ZFR1 in the mathpack patch,
  • Fixed the implementation of FFRAC in mathpack patch,
  • Added constants required by BASIC for the patch,
  • This release comes with a new release of Os++, the emulator operating system. For the first time, this release is complete and includes a math-pack whose functions should be both faster and more precise than the original implementation. Thanks to B. Watson for continuously pushing me - it´s done now,
  • Minor streamlining in the CIO implementation in Os++.

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