Altirra 3.00
- Miker/BJB/NG @ 31.12.2017 @ 10:23
Last Party zbierało się do końca, tymczasem Phaeron wypuścił nową wersję najlepszego i najpopularniejszego obecnie emulatora 8-bitowego Atari - Altirra.
Oto najważniejsze zmiany i uspraweninia (w języku angielskim):
- Accuracy: Illegal 6502 opcode and 65C816 fixes, VBXE fixes and timing improvements, POKEY serial and keyboard fixes, MIDI parsing fixes.
- Cassette: Turbo decoding support, improved FSK decoding, improved OSD, analysis mode for diagnosing raw tape decoding problems, export tapes back to raw audio.
- Debugger: Faster history engine with more powerful loop/call detector, fixes and enhancements to 65C816 and coprocessor debugging.
- Performance Analyzer: New tracing engine enables visualization of CPU, display, serial bus, disk, and tape activity simultaneously. Capture multi-minute traces and easily match glitched frames with CPU activity without trying to catch the bug as it occurs, or trace an entire disk load to diagnose SIO errors. Automatic thread detection identifies idle and interrupt times within a frame to guide optimization.
- Devices: Browser (B:) device, XEL-CF and Rapidus emulation, VBXE core behavior selection.
- Disk: ATX MFM support, IDE identify command improvements, SCSI timing selection support, filesystem parsing fixes.
- UI: Enhanced high DPI support on Windows 10 version 1703 and up (per-monitor V2) so that dialogs now dynamically scale, full-screen fixes and workarounds.
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