Lynx 2020 programing competition
- Sikor/Sikor Soft @ 18.4.2020 @ 21:23
Interesuje was "Przyszłość"? Bo taki jest temat tegorocznej edycji (FUTURE). Zresztą podam za organizatorami:
This year's theme is "Future", but that's future with a twist. Think about how the future would have been imagined back in the 1990s when this console was new. Think of the retro movie posters and the games at the time and imagine them 50 years forward. Flying cars, space exploration, living on the moon, visiting other planets, intelligent robots, blasters and mind control, plus many other wonderful things that were yet to come. We're talking about what the 2040s would look like if you were living in the 90s.
Of course this leaves it very open ended and you're only limited by your imagination!
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