FastBasic 4.6

Ukazała się nowa wersja rozwijanego od dłuższego czasu interpretera popularnego języka BASIC - FastBasic. FB pozwala na pisanie programów w znanej chyba wszystkim początkującym programistom składni, które będą nieporównywalnie szybsze od pisanych we wbudowanym dialekcie. Nowości:

  • Now the FastBasic PC compiler can produce Atari 5200 cartridge images.
  • atari-fp: produces Atari 800 XEX programs, with support for floating-point.
  • atari-int: the old "integer only" version, produces Atari 800 XEX programs that don't use the floating-point package.
  • a5200: produces cartridges for the Atari 5200
  • atari-cart: the same as atari-fp, but producing cartridge images for the Atari 800.
  • atari-cart-int: the same as atari-int, but producing cartridge images for the Atari 800.
  • There are now PRINT functions that allows formatting the output for PRINT command
  • DIM can be used to declare normal variables (like DIM X$, Z), the variables are automatically initialized to 0 or empty strings.
  • DATA statements can be placed in ROM instead of RAM (useful for Atari 800 cartridges or Atari 5200).
  • Allows writing to more than one register in a DLI
  • The comma in prints now uses the TAB function internally, so it behaves more consistently in screen output (but in a different way that Atari BASIC).
  • MOVE and -MOVE are faster, using code in zero-page.
  • Fixes crash when setting DLI
  • More size optimizations, integer IDE is still less than 8kB of size.
  • Cross-compiler rewritten to allow multiple targets by configuration files.
  • Cross-compiler allows building Windows version native and ports the cross-compiler test-suite to Windows.
  • Cross-compiler prints better compiler error messages.
  • Cross-compiler allows defining symbols for the linker and passing arbitrary arguments.

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