Altirra 3.20
- dely/Blowjobb @ 26.6.2019 @ 10:56
Ukazała się kolejna wersja wiodącego emulatora 8-bitowych komputerów Atari oraz konsoli Atari 5200. Najważniejsze zmiany (wg redakcji):
- APE Warp+ OS 32-in-1 is now emulated, Ultimate1MB can soft-control stereo and Covox, fixes to some broken modem and CIO acceleration options.
- Hardware accelerated effects support including distortion and bloom, new color preset for the NTSC 800 model, new overscan preset to match modern widescreen displays.
- The direct read filter for cassette tapes has been lowered in bandwidth to reduce load failures on FSK-encoded glitches. The filter bandwidth can now be adjusted in Configure System, Cassette.
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